Assembled entirely of veterans of the Houston music scene, Brothers Grymn is quickly emerging as a new favorite. Despite being in its infant stage, the band has enjoyed relative success due mostly to its core group of highly dedicated followers and fans. The project is a recapture and declaration of the commanding style of funk that was so popular in the Texas local ranks during the 1990’s. That being said, the approach is completely new and totally fresh. The beats are lively and the lyrics are intricate. And both are delivered with a power and force exceptional from most alternative acts currently circulating the scene. Complete with DJ and master shred guitar, the style is distinct and compelling and sure to incite you from your seat and onto the dance floor.

Location: AvantGarden 11.15 pm till 2am

Date: May 12, 2012, 11:15 p.m. - May 12, 2012, 11:15 p.m.

Performance Marketing by Schipul | Arts Venue Software by Tendenci